Friday, December 29, 2006


CSI is gonna git me...

There is absolutely no way I could ever get away with committing a major crime.

A couple of months ago I cut my long hair. I now have a rather stylish bob that is much easier to maintain. My hair has always been thick - I used to joke that I had hair enough for three more people - but now that I'm older, I've noticed that I only have hair enough for one other person. Ok, well maybe two if the second one is a Marine.

The other thing I have noticed is that I lose a lot of hair when I wash it. I used to think that was because my hair was so long but now that my hair is short, I'm still losing fistfuls of hair at each washing. Today, after hoping out of the shower I stooped to pick up the clumps of hair in the shower stall and realized that my hair is everywhere.

Tufts of hair roll like dust bunnies under the furniture and in the corners of rooms. While folding laundry I find strands of my hair entwined in the threads of socks and sweaters. Brown, spiral tresses cling to the back of the sofa and the collars of coats.

A blind, deaf and dumb CSI agent could find forensic evidence of my existence. Good thing I don't have any homicidal tendancies - I'd get locked up for sure.


Blogger I n g e r said...

Me TOO! What on earth??

Some hair person told me once that we lose 1,000 strands a day (or was it 100?...), but that we only notice it when we have long hair. I cut mine--shoulder length--and still I've got to Dran-O the shower once a week to keep it functioning. Definitely going uber-short one of these days. At least it'll increase the mass, if not the volume!

Happy new year!

8:09 AM  
Blogger alan said...

Catching of the reasons I keep mine so short now is that I've lost so much on top that it's less apparent when you keep the sides short, too (I think). So mine just washes down the drain. Dottie's shoulder length brunette mane however, has me pulling strands from the drain about every 6 weeks, lol! She used to do it to keep me from finding it, but since she had her hip and knee surgeries, that's a bit hard on her, so now I do it...


3:07 PM  

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