Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Don't make me keep my bra on...

Let me tell ya, the first thing I do when I get home is pop that bra strap and free the hostages. I get out of my work clothes and basically put my pajamas on. All my close friends and family know that they are welcome to drop by anytime but don't expect me to be dressed. I only stay dressed if I'm expecting company.

That's why I've been particularly irked these past couple of days.

I need to have a telephone jack rewired and have had Bell Canada scheduled to come out and do the job three times this week. The first day I got stood up they told me that they had scheduled me for the next day. The second time they said they needed a senior technician to do the work and they didn't have one available. The third time the excuse was that the technician ran out of time and couldn't come until the next day.

These scheduling snafus, while irritating are not as irksome as having to wait around all evening wearing my damned bra until 9pm.

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Blogger Glenda said...

I'd be irked too my friend.

10:24 PM  
Blogger alan said...

Though my wife constantly tries to tell me she's happier wearing one, I've always figured those were just one more patriarchal torture device!

Free the hostages indeed!

Unless it voids your maintenance somehow, I'd have probably done that myself...I hate being held hostage like I am right now by UPS!


3:30 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

My relationship with Bell Canada became nonexistent after they sent out a technician who was too damn lazy to actually install my phone. He reported back to the office that he had come to the door and no one was home. I'd taken the day off to wait for him, and had not left the house all day. They couldn't possibly send someone else out - it was too late.

Bell posted a $400 payment to an account that had been closed for two years and then proceeded to tell me it was my fault. When I called once (two weeks in advance) to move my phone service, they cut the phone off the very same day - the Friday before a long weekend. I could go on. I am so done with Bell.

8:38 PM  
Blogger Me. Here. Right now. said...

I wouldn't wear one anyway. I work all day in my sweats/jammies and love it - no bra. But, then, I don't have much to hold up anyway.

12:07 PM  

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