Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Swing yer pardner...

Well the Supreme Court of Canada today declared that swing clubs were legal. My, my Canada sure is getting progressive.

The decision hinges on the interpretation of indecency. In the past community standards were used as the benchmark for determining what was and what wasn't indecent. Today the court rule was based on the concept of harm - "Criminal indecency or obscenity must rest on actual harm or a significant risk of harm to individuals or society". (see news item here)

I don't know about you but I really don't need, or want to know what other consenting adults choose to do sexually. I really don't care as it has no impact on my day-to-day life.

What is disconcerting is that some would say that decisions like this should be debated in Parliament and not be left to the Supreme Court. Oh please. I think this country has more important things for our politicians to debate than whether or not grown people should be allowed to have sex in whatever way floats their boat.



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